Scientific Organizer:

Francesco Calogero
Universita di Roma "La Sapienza" Roma, Italia


During November and the first half of December we expect to gather small groups of researchers, to exchange results and engage in joint work in the main and vast topic of Integrable Systems.

There will be seminar and working rooms available, computer links to the world, and plenty of time to discuss and collaborate.

Natig M Atakishiyev
Instituto de Matematicas UNAM, Cuernavaca Mexico
Whole period

Francesco Calogero
Universita di Roma "La Sapienza", Rome Italy
November 8 - December 10

Antonio Degasperis
Universita di Roma "La Sapienza", Rome Italy
November 12 -December 2

Norbert Euler
Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
November 27 - December 10

Cristoph Jung
Instituto de Matematicas UNAM, Cuernavaca Mexico
Whole period

Decio Levi
Universita di Roma III, Rome Italy
November 11 - November 22

Francois Leyvraz
Centro de Ciencias Fisicas UNAM, Cuernavaca Mexico
Whole period

Orlando Ragnisco
Universita di Roma III, Rome Italy
November 18 - November 29

Simon Ruijsenaars
Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science,  Amsterdam, Netherlands
November 12 - December 10

Thomas Seligman
Centro Internacional de Ciencias, Cuernavaca Mexico
Whole period

Alexei Shabat
November 8 - December 11

Francesco Calogero
A Solvable Many-body Problem in the Plane

Alexei B. Shabat
Painleve-type Equations

Decio Levi
Dilation Symmetries for Discrete Equations

Antonio Degasperis
Interaction among One-dimensional and Two-dimensional Solitons of
the Davey-Stewartson Equation

Simon Ruijsenaars
Refrectionless Analytic Difference Operators

Orlando Ragnisco
Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems with Co-algebra
Structure: the Example of the Calogero-Gaudin System

Alexei B. Shabat
Classification of Integrable Toda Latices

Dr. Alexander Turbiner
Solvability of Quantum Many-body Problems

Dr. Marcos Moshinsky
The Dirac Oscillator in a Magnetic Field: A Possible Example of Quantum Chaos

Dr. Simon Ruijsenaars
On a One-parameter Family of One-dimensional Harmonic Oscillators

Last modified on 9.December.1999 by Carlos Mejia Monasterio,