Workshop on Amourphous Solids.


Wednesday - Febraury 12th
10:00 Gilles Tarjus - CNRS, Paris
“Frustration and glass formation”

15:00 Jean-Louis Barrat - Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble

Wednesday - Febraury 12th
10:00 Magdaleno Medina Noyola - Instituto de Física, UASLP
“Describing Non-equilibrium: Onsager and the existence of dynamically arrested states”

15:00 Walter Kob - Montpellier, France

Tuesday - Febraury 11th
10:00 Corey O'Hern - Yale, USA.
“Jamming with Thermal Fluctuations”

17:00 Eric Weeks - Emory Atlanta, USA
“Free Energy Landscapes for Hard Disks”

Monday - Febraury 9th
10:00 Roberto Benzi - University Roma, Tor Vergata, Italy

Thursday - Febraury 5th
10:00 George Hentschel - Emory University Atlanta
“Magnetic domains in Amorphous solids and thin films: 110 Years”

Wensday - Febraury 4th
Freydoon Family - Emory University, Atlanta
“Thin Film Growth: Transition from Crystal into amorphous growth ”

Tuesday - Febraury 3rd
Gustavo During - Universidad Católica de Chile
“Microscopic Theory of Non-Brownian Suspension Flows”