Academic Year 2011

Quantum billiards, random matrices and more

Symposium in honor of
Jorge Flores Valdez
on the occasion of his 70th BIRTHDAY
Auditorium Instituto de Ciencias Físicas,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
Cuernavaca, Mexico, January 20th and 21st, 2011

10:00 Opening

10:15 Alejandro Frank
Nuclear deformation is a collective effect: why nuclei are prolate

11:10 Kurt B. Wolf
Discrete canonical transforms that are Hadamard matrices

12:00 Leonid Bunimovich
Where to place a hole to achieve fastest escape
Talk at the Instituto de Matemáticas, Unidad Cuernavaca

15:45 Marko Zndaric
Random quantum states

16:45 Luis Mochán
Optical response of nanostructured metamaterials

17:45 Coffee break

18:00 Leonid Bunimovich
Dynamical transport: some new results and directions

20:00 Dinner

10:00 Rafael Méndez
Billiard experiments in Mexico: present and future!

10:50 Saúl Hernández
Fidelity decay in the K-boson embedded ensemble for bosons in two levels

11:20 Hugo Hernández
Daisy Models and TSP in electoral processes

11:40 Felipe Barra
Wave dislocation interaction

12:00 Coffee break

12:15 Carlos Pineda
Mixed state ensemble and RMT environments

12:50 Moisés Martínez-Mares
Quantum pumping in left-right asymmetric billiards

13:30 Jorge Flores
Doorways to billiards

14:30 Closure

Please, visit this site regularly as dates and participants may change. We will do our best to keep the information up to date. If you may have interest in participate in this gathering, please contact CiC.