Academic Year 2011

Quantum billiards, random matrices and more

Symposium in honor of
Jorge Flores Valdez
on the occasion of his 70th BIRTHDAY
Cuernavaca, Mexico, January 20th and 21st, 2011

Arturo Arreola Lucas
Gabriela Baez
Leonid Bunimovich
Enrique Flores Olmedo
Jorge Flores
Alejandro Frank
Andrés García
Hugo Hernández
Saúl Hernández
Christof Jung
Moisés Martínez-Mares
Rafael Méndez
Luis Mochán
Carlos Pineda
Tomaz Prosen
Thomas Seligman
Mauricio Torres
Kurt Bernardo Wolf
Karel Zapfe
Marko Znidaric

Please, visit this site regularly as dates and participants may change. We will do our best to keep the information up to date. If you may have interest in participate in this gathering, please contact CiC.